Project Eles

Type of works performed by Alu Alprem:

  • Façade glazing
  • Fire-resistant façade with doors
  • Skylights


  • Glass façade EI30
  • Top-hung windows

The key activity and mission of the ELES Company is the safe and reliable operation of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system. A service provided 24/7 throughout the year. The Slovenian power distribution company ELES built its headquarters in Beričevo, Ljubljana.

At the southern and northern sides of the building, we built glass façades. All windows are top-hung windows equipped with an electric motor. At the north façade, we installed a fire-resistant EI30 system on two floors. We also installed Low-E glass in the entire building. This was the first large building for which we produced aluminum joinery with the Wicona System.