Project Precision Resource

Type of works performed by Alu Alprem:

  • Glass facade
  • Windows and doors
  • Internal partition walls
  • Fire-resistant doors


  • Verification of execution in the USA
  • Short production deadlines in phases

Precision Resource is a private company with manufacturing facilities in the USA, Canada, Mexico, China, and Slovenia. The company is recognized for its leading position in the development of fine blanking technology. Every day, they produce millions of components.

The company adheres to a 75-year philosophy of ensuring service reliability and maintaining close customer relationships. We also experienced this when selecting the contractor. Reliability and quality were crucial.

We carried out all aluminum works and glazing on the external facade, interior partition walls, and fire doors. All our proposals were reviewed in the USA before they were approved. After each phase coordination, execution followed within short deadlines. The client was very satisfied with our work and awarded us numerous additional tasks.